The recent lockdown seems to have fostered a love for plants in people who previously shied away from them. Keeping a plant alive and in good health in the day and age of the Internet is not difficult, even if you are not blessed with a green thumb.

Whether you get your plant from a nursery or Ikea or supermarket, doesn’t mater, what does is to ensure that you follow the instructions on how to take care of the plant in question, from how often to water it to where to place it within your home.

If your plant survives, it is eventually going to grow too large for the pot that it came in. So here are some simple tips on how to know when your plant needs to be repotted, and how to do so with minimum fuss and effort.

Knowing When Your Plant Needs To Be Repotted

Once plant roots make their presence known along the top of the soil or through the drainage hole on the bottom of a pot, it’s a sign that your plant has outgrown its current pot.

Another clue that your plant needs to be repotted is if water rushes through the pot and out the drainage hole upon watering. When this happens, it means that the roots are taking up too much space within the pot, resulting in a less than ideal soil-to-root ratio.

Choosing The Right Pot

When selecting a new pot, choose one that’s approximately two inches larger in diameter than the previous planter. If your new pot exceeds the two-inch limit, your plant may suffer, since an excess of soil can lead to wet plants and root damage down the road.

Remember to ensure that the pot has sufficient drainage holes. A plant without drainage is much more susceptible to root rot and death from overwatering.

Add Fresh Potting Soil

Once you’ve chosen your pot, fill it one-third of the way with fresh potting soil as the old soil may lack adequate nutrients. Using a sterilised (clean the blades with isopropyl alcohol) pair of shears, cut back any dead, discoloured, or excessively long roots.

Position The Plant Dead Centre

Place the plant in the centre of the new pot, taking care to position the top of its root ball one inch below the top of the container.

Fill the pot with soil, leaving between an inch or two of room between the soil and the pot’s rim.

Water Your Plant

The final step would be to water your plant until the water flows freely from the bottom of the pot. Afterward, allow the plant to sit for a while until all the water drains from your new pot, before you place it on its saucer or within its decorative external pot.

If water begins to puddle on the saucer, allow the plant to rest off the saucer for a few minutes longer to adequately drain so it does not suffer from root rot.